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The Healing of Spring

By Stephanie Mancini

Published in March 2021

As we welcome the Spring, we also mark a year of COVID.  We welcome the healing and renewal of warmer weather, the quickening of the earth. We have been reflecting, responding, enduring, and the challenges are not over.

We have been understanding our work as walking forwards on two feet.

The foot we have leaned into strongly during COVID is the work of responding to poverty, homelessness, and a poison drug supply. We have created Covid safe environments; faced Covid fear for people working in the sector; walked with Covid denial for many who face the stark realities of drug-induced death rather than Covid induced symptoms;  faced the challenges of finding people a place to live when the numbers of homeless far outflank available housing units; supported a variety of new housing options – Water Street House, University Ave housing, motels; we have served delicious meals for 600 people a day; supported the job search of many seeking work; and problem solved the financial boondoggles of a changing income support landscape. Challenging, meaningful, beautiful work.

This work is ongoing and intense.  We hope to enhance this work with support for new housing options, and support access to a safer supply strategy responding to the powerful drugs that are holding so many hostage.  

And we continue to strengthen the second foot of our work – enhancing our responses to Climate Change, and to reimagine creative community examples that help to support the concepts of limits, of making and doing, of nourishing the soil and living sustainably. We have work to re-open our community spaces, our community tools projects, and to build on learning and doing as a community.

We keep one foot in helping to heal and respond to the dislocation of our times; and the second foot will lead us forwards to new ways of being. If we have learned anything from this COVID crisis, it is that we can make changes quickly and with agility but it is much easier to have models to build on, and people committed to acting together. The Winter we have been through reminds us that the dislocation we are enduring is unbearable. The Spring reminds us that our planet has limits and is a gift that sustains us. Stay tuned to Good Work News and to our soon-to-be-ready new website as we walk together on two feet.

Good Work News is The Working Centre’s quarterly newspaper that reports on our latest community building efforts and seeks out ideas which redefine work, consumerism, and sustainable living. First published in 1984, we have now published over 150 issues with a circulation of 13,000.

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The Integrated Circle of Care is a fluid and collaborative approach followed by workers from different agencies weaving through St. John’s Kitchen. Within this approach, staff members from each agency are aware of their specific personal roles. However, the high level of collaboration between workers means that people can approach any worker, without knowing their agency association or specific role, and still receive support – either that worker will support the person directly, or they will introduce the person to another worker who can support the person more appropriately.

This approach makes relationships more natural and support more accessible. Workers from different agencies are easily approachable, meaning that people build relationships with multiple workers. Having relationships with different workers is important to a person’s support – it makes support from a trusted source easy to find, and means that people have a choice of worker to approach in any given situation.

In order to maintain a circle of care around a person, workers from different agencies ask for consent from the person for information to be shared between workers. Continuous communication between workers helps to ensure that people do not fall into gaps between services, and also that services are not duplicated.