The Working Centre
Published December 1999
Every day at The Working Centre people are learning about computers. Sometimes it’s someone who has never used a computer before. Sometimes it’s someone who is learning a new formatting technique. Sometimes it’s someone who knows a lot about computers but is learning about how others learn about computers.
Everyone helps each other to learn. Some of the people who volunteer as computer support and many of the people who use our computers know a lot about computers. Their learning is self-taught. They don’t have a certificate to prove this knowledge and ifs often difficult to convince a potential employer that they have this knowledge.
Getting this certification is sometimes difficult —it requires an extensive loan for some or is completely out of reach for people who do not qualify for loans. In this spirit, we have decided to build on a project we are calling the Self-Directed Computer Training Project.
There are several steps in making this project a reality:
Upgrading our computer hardware
Upgrading our computer software
Registering as a Certified Testing Centre with Microsoft and Corel
Purchasing self-directed tutorial software to encourage this atmosphere of self-directed learning
Designing a way for people to access this training and testing capacity during times the Centre is traditionally closed when computers would otherwise sit idle.
Our plans are to offer the training time free with a small cost for testing to cover our direct cost to Microsoft or Corel.
We have been very pleased with the support for this project from:
Human Resources Development Canada, which has provided us with a worker for 10 weeks to do computer work and a grant towards purchasing the necessary hardware and software;
Waterloo Region Catholic Community Foundation, which has provided a grant towards purchasing self-directed software that will guide people through computer basics and keyboarding, all the way to the MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) designation.
We are hoping this project is ready to begin by January 2000. Give us a month to get things stated and come by if you’re interested.