The Working Centre
Published December 1999
Currently we provide a Phone Message Service for about 400 people. On a limited income the cost of a personal telephone is often not realistic; during times of transition having a reliable place to receive messages is often a challenge; if the person who is at home doesn’t understand English very well, it is difficult to receive accurate messages. And yet, in the struggle to find work, getting accurate messages can be critical.
For the past 18 years we have been taking messages for anyone who uses our number. We simply post a message and it is an individual’s responsibility to check for messages on the message board.
Volunteers work the reception desk, assisting us with taking these messages. Lately you may have called and received no answer at the Centre. We really are here, we just haven’t been able to keep up with the number of phone calls and messages that are being left.
As well, when employers leave messages, they are made aware they are calling a community centre. This sometimes makes a person look transient and thus unreliable, even before the person has a chance to present their skills and abilities.
In response to all these issues (and with the encouragement and support of the local Ontario Coalition Against Poverty group) we now have a second way messages can be left. We have initiated the Community Voice Mail System which holds 200 personalized mail boxes so voice messages can be left directly for an individual, and then picked up- directly by that person. Anyone who uses voice mail at work or a phone company answering service will be familiar with the concept.
We’ve just begun signing people up for mailboxes and have no doubt that they will be quickly filled up. We are grateful to Human Resources Development Canada for assisting with this project. They have provided us with assistance in getting the system started and some funds toward the capital expenditure of buying the system.
This new additional message service should be an important source of support for people looking for work.